
I. Job Description:

The Chair shall act as Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter, shall conduct all of its meetings, and shall represent its membership in an official capacity.

II. Duties:

A. Responsible for the general supervision and affairs of the group.

B. Serves as official liaison to MLA, through MLA’s Chapter Liaison (alternately MLA Past-President or Vice-President/President-Elect).

C. Appoints committees and their Chairs. Appoints the Newsletter Editor.  Appoints the Web Editor.

D. Undertakes official correspondence on behalf of the Chapter as appropriate.

E. Serves as co-signer when each Treasurer creates new accounts.

F. Writes a column and an annual meeting report for the Chapter Newsletter.

G. Maintains files pertinent to current Chapter activities. Forwards archival materials to Chapter Archives at the University of Washington.  Cate Gerhart is the current Chapter Archives Committee Chair (2017).

H.  Writes and delivers appointment letters for  Chapter officers and directs new officers to the appropriate sections of the Chapter Handbook for guidance with their duties.

III. Timetable:

A. Directly following Business Meeting: Appoint Nominating Committee to compile a slate of candidates for the next election; designate one member as Chair. In odd-numbered years, appoint Newsletter Editor. Appoint Local Arrangements Committee for next year’s annual meeting; designate one member as Chair. Provide the MLA Newsletter Editor with a written report (ca. 250 words) of the annual meeting, including mention of recitals, concerts, lectures, and so on, but focusing on the professional activities of the Chapter.

B. For the Fall Newsletter: Write “From the Chair” column. Provide a brief report of past annual meeting, including description of program and other highlights.

C. Also in the Fall: Upon his/her request, file annual report with the MLA Chapter Liaison outlining Chapter activities and listing officers of the Chapter.

D. At annual MLA meeting: Represent Chapter at Chapter Officers’ Breakfast.

E. Prior to annual meeting: Notify successful and unsuccessful candidates of elections results, by phone or e-mail.

F. At annual Chapter meeting: Conduct Business Meeting. Announce election results.

G. Upon relinquishing office: Review files for forwarding to the Chapter Archives.

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